Friday, October 24, 2008

week 2 study: i can't believe i did something

studing during week 2 was alot more effective. Although i still procrastinated quite a bit, i gained some motivation as i realised how far i was behind in most of my courses. Wednesday espeically gave me a golden opportunity to study, but because i was studing around friends(big distraction) i didn't study all that well. studing at home was alot better then week 1. Although i still had Msn on, I made sure to change my status to appear offline so i wouldn't be disturbed(however there were friends who realised i was offline). Also i discovered music can be a double edged sword, it gives you motivation, but it also distracts you.
week 2 wise i crammed for over 30 hours, i was suprised myself at how much i did, but then again probably half of it was me getting distracted in some way. As you can see my study pattern involves me cramming everything until the last moment, this is probably because i don't start feeling the pressure until around a week before stuff is due.

below is a link of the amount of hours me, Ting and Lino spent on our daily activities in the 2 week period.

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