Friday, November 7, 2008

another context: Pixar

Another context that relates to the 4 themes are animation studio companys, such as Pixar. Inorder to make a new movie, the company would have to become consumers by researching through, questions and watching videos of others to see what they all like in a animated movie. After they have satisfied with their research they would then have to turn to being a producer to create the movie. As a big company, the team assigned to the creating of this movie will be doing so mainly on computers. Due to their jobs, pretty much everything they do(with the exception of sketching drafts and mamking live models) will involve the use of computers. This makes computeres a major influence in their lives, as it's pretty much what their lives revolves around. A good interface is also needed inorder to help mediate between the animators and etc, and the computer, this will make their jobs much easier. Because Pixar requires the use of animation and 3d modeling, and because they have a high level of detail to their movies, they must use softwares that are bugfree and powerful. Instead of using mainstream programs such as 3DS Max and Maya, Pixar tends to at times use alternative softwares that they have created themselves if other programs gives unsatisfactory results. Also in order to render the frames afterwards, either a supercomputer or alot of computers linked together is nesscary inorder to reduce the time it takes to render. Thus top of the range computers are also needed.

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