Friday, October 31, 2008

anthony's review

three words pretty much sums up Anthony's slideshow, "short and simple". The appearance of the slideshow is both clean and visually appealing making it enjoyable to read. because the information displayed in his slideshow is kept minimal, reading and absorbing information from his slideshow is extremely easy. font-wise, Anthony's slide show has kept it consistent while still mantaining the layout. colour is used effectively as important or key words are coloured differently to stand out making the audience take notice. However Anthony's slideshow does contain some typographical errors. Although they are very minimal, his main errors include using American standard spelling: e.g. using Z instead of S.

The slideshow, is well structured as it begins with pivot tables, then moving onto static visualisations and then dynamic visualisations. Level of detail is quite suitable to the audience however more information were presented in areas like static visualisation, while areas pivot tables lacked information.

The slideshow gave clear and suitable details of information on both static representation and dynamic representation. however more information could have been used for pivot tables and discussion on task 4 and 5 have not been implemented onto the slideshow.

Overall apart from being slightly too short, Anthony's slideshow contains an excellent structure and layout. information has been kept at an minimal as they should be, and information given is relevent and easy to understand. So well done!

below is a link to his slideshow:
Anthony's slideshow blog

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