Friday, October 31, 2008

sino's review

sino's slideshow blog does well in providing the purpose of the slideshow, however the slideshow has not been embed into the blog, only a link is provided.
sino's slideshow however, is well organised and visually appealing. Although a little more detailed then what a slideshow should have, there are little to none typography errors(note: consecutive is spelt with a c not a q). Both the font usage and the layout is consistent, however there are some cases of text overlapping, making it hard to read. Apart from that though, everything else is understandable. Colour usage is quite effective as using a different colour for the slides title then that of the body is quite effective in drawing attention.

Sino's slideshow contains a solid and evident structure the flow of ideas present is well connected, however the level of detail is alittle overdone, as audience would not want to read a slide with too much informtion on it.

The information presented within the slideshow is evenly distributed between the topics, with information on pivot tables, static representation, dynamic representation and discussion on task 4 + 5 all present in the slideshow.

overall apart from including alittle too much information, sino's slideshow has done a excellent job in compareing and contrasting the use of Spreadsheets and Databases.

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