Friday, October 24, 2008

week 1 reflection: in a nutshell

week one of my collected data wasn't all that interesting, i fell into the usual routine of eat, study, play, sleep (roughly in that order). Like usual, my usual lazy personality prevented me from doing anything out of my comfort zone. So to speak, i can't say im not disappointed at how little i accomplished during that week, but then again i'm pretty used to not doing anything.

first day on my record is Tuesday, which is not one of my "good" days. the day kicked off with a 2 hour csse1000 lecture, can't say i got much out of it as information was going in one ear and out the other just like that. Rest of the day involved an IENV1000 group meeting (didn't get anywhere) and a COMP1900 prac which made me realise how little i've done for my assignment.
Wednesday and thursday was alittle more productive, i actually managed to bring myself to start both my COMP1900 and IENV1000 assignment which isn't like me at all as i usually don't start till last minute. But i guess its a good change of pace, unless of course I do alittle bit of work early and not do anything else till later on (which is generally the case). going to kungfu was probabily the only form of exercise i got all week, and thats not enough for me(2 hours of training almost killed me). Also thursday was on of the rare days i ended up going to work during the weekdays.
Now friday happens to be my most hated weekday. 1 hour of tutorial in the morning and 3 hours of prac in the afternoon does not do me any good, but at the same time, its probably my most productive day of the week, since i got quite a bit of assignment work done that day.
Of course one thing to look forward to during friday, is the fact that the weekends is close.
my weekends involved mainly work on saturday with some study at night(mostly procrastination), while sunday is my attempt at study but ended up playing games most of the time(not to mention sleeping in quite late). My usual nighttime activity seemed to have worked its usual pattern this week as i usually always do a combination of: games, tv and study. rest-wise ive been sleeping at the usual pattern, around 7-9 hours a day, save saturday which could end up with me sleeping 10 - 12 hours depending on how tired i am from work.

Now monday, or "bludgeday" as i like to call it, is the day i pretty much become really lazy and not do anything. because of the "weekend mood" which still lingers around me on Mondays, there is close to 0 chance of me studing unless i absolutely have to. i of course attended the usual double INFS1200 lectures on that day(with me doing next to nothing during the 4 hour gap between the 2 lectures) while forcing myself to do an assignment task during the night as my IENV1000 group set a date for that task to be done by.

so there it is, a general gist of what i did the first week, now next to the next blog !

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