Friday, October 24, 2008

week 1 study: study? what's study?

during week 1 one I manage to accomplish 13 hours and 45 minutes of study, although it might sound impressive, it actually isn't. Study-wise im probably the least efficient, as most of the information I'm reading never reaches my head. It will take me 3-5 attempts at reading inorder to get anywhere. Also i procrastinate like crazy, everytime i sit down and try to study i would say something like "man, my room is soo messy better clean it first". Main reasons for losing my concentration when studing is probably Msn. This devilish program sits on my taskbar everytime i'm on the computer, i would try and turn it off, but only to login back into it a few minutes later.
although i studied for quite a bit during week 1, my poor time management skills didn't allow me to get much out of my studies. Since assessments were due until final week until mid-sem breaks, i completely lacked motivation to study.

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