Friday, October 24, 2008

week 2 reflection: improvements?

doing assignment 2 was useful in seeing how well (or not so well in my case) i used my time during those 2 weeks. Not very impressed with what im seeing, theres still alot of room for improvement on how i should use my time effectively.

continuing on from last week, the week begin with a Tuesday(note: this is data-wise, the week does not actually start on Tuesdays). Well Tuesday was no good, i ended up doing the exact same thing as last week's Tuesday, only difference is i ended up playing more games(not good).
Wednesday became my cram day, i ended up doing 5.5 hours of study(personal record for me). Wednesday is also on of the days i actually used my time effectively, with a 2 hour prac in the morning and a 5.5 hour break until kungfu, it was either studing or socialising for me(i made the better choice).
The two days that followed pulled me back into my usual routine, Thursday saw to it that i did more study then socialising, but i still ended up doing more gaming then studing. Friday's 3 hour IENV1000 prac made me and my group realise our assignment is due the next week, so we decided to actually start doing something, i also managed to keep gaming at a minimal, but ended up watching alot of t.v instead.
Then course comes the weekend, starting off with Saturday. Saturday i had to skip work because of friends 18th birthday. His house has both a nintendo wii and a xbox 360, so you can guess what we did the whole 6 hours. when i got home i made a last ditch effort to study before going to sleep. Sunday wasn't too bad as i did quite abit of study inbetween my gaming sessions.
Last day on my data was bludge day or Monday as everyone else calls it. I forced myself to do some work that day since IENV1000 presentation was due in 3 days(it even forced me to do kungfu).

Well week 2 was quite an improvement from week 1. Studing went up while gaming stay pretty much the same. Main reason was probably due to the fact mid-sem breaks were coming up and lots of assessments were piling up.
Well thats it for my 2 weeks reflection hope you enjoyed reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it.

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